azaurus1 / terraform-provider-pinot

A terraform provider for Apache Pinot
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Tables: segmentsConfig.timeType should not be mandatory #106

Closed johannesploetner closed 2 weeks ago

johannesploetner commented 2 weeks ago

For creating a table, segments_config.time_type is required:

│   on line 133, in resource "pinot_table" "realtime_table":
│  133:   segments_config = merge(local.segments_config, {
│  134:     replication = "1"
│  135:   })
│     ├────────────────
│     │ local.segments_config is object with 6 attributes
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "segments_config": attribute "time_type" is required.

Whereas creating a tables without the "timeType" setting works using curl/the REST API. IMHO the provider should behave like the REST API does and not enforce "timeType" to be set.