azavea / cac-tripplanner-android

GoPhillyGo Android app
Apache License 2.0
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Investigate log messages relating to bikeshare locations #185

Open ddohler opened 3 years ago

ddohler commented 3 years ago

We received a usage notification early this morning warning that we were close to hitting our log quota for this project. I took a look at the dashboard and there was a big spike in volume the past two days from the OTP server. We haven't deployed during this time.

Investigating the logs for that server, I saw lots of messages of the form authbind message repeated 24 times: [ 13:58:37.349 WARN ( Bike rental station at 0.000000, 0.000000 not near any streets; it will not be usable.]

What this looks like to me is that the bikeshare API has recently started returning bad location data for one or more locations. However, I wasn't able to confirm that because the only API endpoint that I know of for bikeshare locations seems to work fine: -- I was able to drop the GeoJSON into and confirmed that all the locations had non-zero data.

So I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I checked that routing using bikeshare locations still seems to work, meaning that there doesn't appear to be any immediate impact on site functionality.

I added a filtering rule to drop logs matching the warning for the time being.

We should: