azavea / osmesa

OSMesa is an OpenStreetMap processing stack based on GeoTrellis and Apache Spark
Apache License 2.0
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Generate development environment stack #2

Closed lossyrob closed 7 years ago

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

This will culminate in a docker-compose.yml and supporting scripts to be able to bring up the following components:

Testing this setup should include some version of an ingest and view through GeoServer that matches, as well as accessing GeoMesa through SparkSQL in a Zeppelin notebook.


lossyrob commented 7 years ago

@azavea/operations relevant to #1 and might be useful to track.

hectcastro commented 7 years ago

Wanted to add a comment here to consider targeting a central EMR cluster with all of these dependencies vs. trying to sort out how to manage them locally in a way that simulates the target environment (maybe with GeoServer as the exception).