azavea / osmesa

OSMesa is an OpenStreetMap processing stack based on GeoTrellis and Apache Spark
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Support recursive relations when reconstructing geometries #71

Open mojodna opened 6 years ago

mojodna commented 6 years ago

Certain types of relations include other relations as members, 3D Buildings, for example (for outlines). In order to reconstruct these, members must already have been reconstructed.

Examples of such relations can be found using this Presto query, which will reveal the type of relation containing relations:

  tags['type'] type,
  filter(members, x -> x.type = 'relation') relation_members
from planet_history
where cardinality(filter(members, x -> x.type = 'relation')) > 0
  and type = 'relation'

This Presto query will show the type (and quantity) of relation members:

SELECT tags['type'], count(*)
FROM planet_history
WHERE type = 'relation'
  AND id IN (
    SELECT ref
    FROM planet_history
    CROSS JOIN unnest(transform(filter(members, x -> x.type = 'relation'), x -> x.ref)) AS t (ref)
    WHERE cardinality(filter(members, x -> x.type = 'relation')) > 0
            AND type = 'relation'
GROUP BY tags['type']
ORDER BY count(*) DESC
mojodna commented 6 years ago

The top 20 member relation types (i.e. those that are referenced by other relations) are:

rank member type count
1 route 4817291
2 boundary 1331578
3 multipolygon 168901
4 TMC 71231
5   64072
6 public_transport 54540
7 route_master 48735
8 waterway 33900
9 network 31731
10 line 11938
11 watershed 11927
12 associatedStreet 11177
13 site 10396
14 collection 6127
15 superroute 3793
16 line_variant 3595
17 multilinestring 3595
18 level 3522
19 set 3232
20 land_area 2954
mojodna commented 6 years ago

Top 20 relation types:

rank  type count
1 boundary 359835
2 route 162232
3 route_master 105266
4 network 57614
5 address 20617
6 waterway 15423
7 multipolygon 13732
8 associatedStreet 12980
9 public_transport 11029
10 watershed 7962
11 site 6751
12 collection 6525
13 superroute 6122
14   5441
15 line 4004
16 building 3655
17 street 1644
18 set 1513
19 election 1431
20 TMC 1001