azavea / osmesa

OSMesa is an OpenStreetMap processing stack based on GeoTrellis and Apache Spark
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Test tippecanoe generation of Vector Tiles for user stats heatmap #9

Open lossyrob opened 7 years ago

lossyrob commented 7 years ago

Tippecanoe generates pyramided vector tiles from newline-delimited GeoJSON, taking into account a lot of factors for how it structures the vector tiles through zoom levels. It would be advantages for us to take advantage of that work. The test here is to:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='utf-8' />
    <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no' />
    <script src=''></script>
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' />
        body { margin:0; padding:0; }
        #map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }

<div id='map'></div>
mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoibG9zc3lyb2IiLCJhIjoiY2o3a3V2cWFmMmkyeDMybzJtem5xNmIzZyJ9.L1sWznm30l5lih8MAWGQ8A';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
    container: 'map',
    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
    zoom: 10,
    center: [-122.447303, 37.753574]

 map.on('load', function () {

     //Heatmap layers also work with a vector tile source.
     map.addSource('footprint', {
         type: 'vector',
         tiles: ['{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt']

         "id": "footprint-heat",
         "type": "heatmap",
         "source": "footprint",
         "source-layer": "user_footprint",
         "maxzoom": 13,
         "paint": {
             //Increase the heatmap weight based on frequency and property magnitude
             "heatmap-weight": {
                 "property": "mag",
                 "type": "exponential",
                 "stops": [
                     [0, 0],
                     [6, 1]
             //Increase the heatmap color weight weight by zoom level
             //heatmap-ntensity is a multiplier on top of heatmap-weight
             "heatmap-intensity": {
                 "stops": [
                     [0, 1],
                     [9, 3]
             //Color ramp for heatmap.  Domain is 0 (low) to 1 (high).
             //Begin color ramp at 0-stop with a 0-transparancy color
             //to create a blur-like effect.
             "heatmap-color": {
                 "stops": [
                     [0, "rgba(33,102,172,0)"],
                     [0.2, "rgb(103,169,207)"],
                     [0.4, "rgb(209,229,240)"],
                     [0.6, "rgb(253,219,199)"],
                     [0.8, "rgb(239,138,98)"],
                     [1, "rgb(178,24,43)"]
             //Adjust the heatmap radius by zoom level
             "heatmap-radius": {
                 "stops": [
                     [0, 2],
                     [9, 20]
             //Transition from heatmap to circle layer by zoom level
             "heatmap-opacity": {
                 "default": 1,
                 "stops": [
                     [7, 1],
                     [9, 0]
     }, 'waterway-label');

         "id": "footprint-point",
         "type": "circle",
         "source": "footprint",
         "source-layer": "user_footprint",
         "minzoom": 7,
         "paint": {
             //Size circle raidus by earthquake magnitude and zoom level
             "circle-radius": {
                 "property": "mag",
                 "type": "exponential",
                 "stops": [
                     [{ zoom: 7, value: 1 }, 1],
                     [{ zoom: 7, value: 6 }, 4],
                     [{ zoom: 16, value: 1 }, 5],
                     [{ zoom: 16, value: 6 }, 50],
             //Color circle by earthquake magnitude
             "circle-color": {
                 "property": "mag",
                 "type": "exponential",
                 "stops": [
                     [1, "rgba(33,102,172,0)"],
                     [2, "rgb(103,169,207)"],
                     [3, "rgb(209,229,240)"],
                     [4, "rgb(253,219,199)"],
                     [5, "rgb(239,138,98)"],
                     [6, "rgb(178,24,43)"]
             "circle-stroke-color": "white",
             "circle-stroke-width": 1,
             //Transition from heatmap to circle layer by zoom level
             "circle-opacity": {
                 "stops": [
                     [7, 0],
                     [8, 1]
     }, 'waterway-label');
