azavea / tilegarden

Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
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Natively process OSM data sources #114

Open mattdelsordo opened 6 years ago

mattdelsordo commented 6 years ago

At the time of writing, you can 100% render OSM data in Tilegarden, but you have to run it through osm2pgsql first so that Tilegarden can read it from Postgis. Mapnik does allow for using OSM data with a plugin, but it's not compiled in by default in the C++ version and it's unclear whether it exists in node-mapnik.

  1. Plug Tilegarden into an OSM data source and see whether it renders that data or not.
  2. Figure out how/if OsmPlugin can be compiled into node-mapnik when installing dependencies.