azawawi / raku-ncurses

Raku interface to NCurses library
MIT License
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Crazy CPU utilization && Memory leak ...... #20

Closed pprocacci closed 5 years ago

pprocacci commented 5 years ago

COLS() - Not only uses a tremendous amount of cpu to return the number of columns, each iteration of the call consumes more and more memory until all memory is consumed and it crashes. I suspect LINES() does the same, but I haven't tested it.

root@FreeBSD11:~ # uname -sr FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE


root@host:~ % uname -sr Linux 4.13.0-46-generic

root@FreeBSD11:~ # perl6 --version This is Rakudo Star version 2018.06 built on MoarVM version 2018.06 implementing Perl 6.c.

I suspect this is a problem with moarvm, but figured I'd start here.


!/usr/bin/env perl6

use NCurses;

sub MAIN() { my $win = initscr() or die("Failed to initialize ncurses\n"); loop { say COLS(); sleep(1); } delwin($win) if $win; endwin; }

pprocacci commented 5 years ago

Also, I wanted to point out that a version stripped of mostly everything did NOT exhibit this problem.

unit module Testing;

use NativeCall;

sub library is export { return ''; }

my $COLS; sub COLS is export { unless $COLS { $COLS := cglobal(&library, 'COLS', int32); } return $COLS; }

class WINDOW is export is repr('CPointer') { }

my $stdscr; sub stdscr is export { unless $stdscr { $stdscr = cglobal(&library, 'stdscr', WINDOW); } return $stdscr; }

sub initscr() returns WINDOW is native(&library) is export {*};

pprocacci commented 5 years ago

The problem stems from the library-exists function.

Leak: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if library-exists('') { return ""; }

No Leak: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ return "";

pprocacci commented 5 years ago

Moving this off your plate. This isn't a problem with your module ...... most likely a moar vm issue.