azdavis / millet

A language server for Standard ML.
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Distribute binaries to ease usage with other editors #25

Closed igorlfs closed 1 year ago

igorlfs commented 1 year ago


While there's a VSCode extension, usage with others editors is a bit more difficult given it's required to build the program.


Distribute binaries to ease usage with other editors.

azdavis commented 1 year ago

Haven’t looked into the github docs too much but i think you can attach binaries to github releases. Maybe we could do that.

I’m not too interested in maintaining millet support for all the various myriad package managers that exist, but other people have already added millet to e.g. nix and arch, i believe.

Also in the meantime you can download the vs code extension for your platform and extract the binary from that.

igorlfs commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for quick reply!

I’m not too interested in maintaining millet support for all the various myriad package managers that exist, but other people have already added millet to e.g. nix and arch, i believe.

Yeah, absolutely. I'm on arch, and there's an AUR package.

But I'm more interested in an integration with Mason, which is kind of an "install everything for neovim" (e.g, LSP Servers, Linters). I've opened an issue there, requesting for Millet support, but as I understand it, the better way to solve this problem would be to not rely on building Millet, as it requires Rust, but instead extracting it from somewhere.

azdavis commented 1 year ago

Well I looked into it and I think i got it to work. The latest release 0.8.3 uses some new github actions ci I whipped up, and it has the pre compiled binaries as well as the packaged vsix files attached to the github release.

igorlfs commented 1 year ago
