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Documentation strings for structures #50

Closed ratsclub closed 6 months ago

ratsclub commented 8 months ago


Currently, it's possible to document structures with documentation strings:

structure Example: EXAMPLE = struct
  (*! some markdown text *)
  val foo = ()

However, it would be nice to default the documentation string from the signature if the structure does not provide one.


Show the signature documentation string if the structure does not define one.

signature EXAMPLE = sig
  (*! signature foo docs *)
  val foo: unit
  (*! signature bar docs *)
  val bar: unit

structure Example: EXAMPLE = struct
  (*! different docstring *)
  val foo = ()
  (*! signature bar docs *)
  val bar = ()

In this case, would inherit the documentation string from the signature.

azdavis commented 6 months ago

tracked in 0349a3b2a0ba1f1ec59d118d9ede56bc6781b936

azdavis commented 6 months ago

hm actually i think there's actually two main things here. consider this:

signature EXAMPLE = sig
   * signature foo docs
  val foo: unit
  (** ^^^ hover: signature foo docs (1: OK) *)

   * signature bar docs
  val bar: unit
  (** ^^^ hover: signature bar docs (2: OK) *)

structure Example: EXAMPLE = struct
   * structure foo docs
  val foo = ()
  (** ^^^ hover: structure foo docs (3: OK) *)

  val bar = ()
  (** ^^^ hover: signature bar docs (4: ERR: actually got no hover) *)

val foo =
(**       ^^^^^^^^^^^ hover: structure foo docs (5: ERR: actually got signature foo docs) *)

val bar =
(**       ^^^^^^^^^^^ hover: signature bar docs (6: OK) *)

this is an expanded example, with a bunch of numbered hover areas, and whether the current output matches what i think you want (OK) or not (ERR with some other undesired hover).

i think you're asking abour (4) in the body of the issue, but IMO i actually care more about (5).

also, i see the argument for why both might be nice, but (5) might be easier to get implemented? also maybe that's why i care more about it? 😂 not sure though.

azdavis commented 6 months ago

implemented as of 0c49cee9f31e679b0e80466351c60f59f9d975a5