Closed wangjing60755 closed 3 years ago
segment model here!
model output:
output = layers.Conv2D(filters=numclass, kernel_size=( 1, 1), padding='same', activation='softmax', name='final_layer')(x)
The reason of the issue. NCNN does not support the merged Softmax activation. I have to write the split rule to tranrform graph to convertible one. If it is urgent you can modify the model output = layers.Conv2D(filters=numclass, kernel_size=( 1, 1), padding='same', activation=None, name='final_layer')(x) output = Softmax(output )
I have fixed the issue. Could you try with new 'main' branch? To import you model you should modify from tensorflow.keras.losses import mae model_list = [load_model('weights.h5', custom_objects={'bce_dice_loss': mae, 'IOU': mae})] #issue 11
Succeed to fix the mode and convert it into the NCNN. The conversion result can be found here model_zoo\variouse\issue_00011
TensorFlowOpLayer what is inside this layer? Could you share the actual model code?
Is this actual one?
Is the problem solved?