Closed Annamaria-CC closed 2 years ago
Are you using any custom maps or trying to access maps that don't exist in DBC?
andler=0xcfd500 <go_commandscript::HandleGoZoneXYCommand(ChatHandler*, float, floa
Looks like someone tried to port to an obscure place
No custom maps. Not sure about the second question,
if so, shouldn't result in a crash I suppose?
you can see in the code above that it will assert if the map entry can't be found in dbc
The GoZoneXY command needs a check to see if the map theyre porting to is valid
unfortunately it’s a ptr crash so it’s impossible to tell what they tried to do
The GoZoneXY command needs a check to see if the map theyre porting to is valid
Well that shouldn't be necessary as you don't have an argument to provide map ID. Only for zone id, and if the zone id doesn't exist it will assert within that command
and that is what is throwing me off at the moment because we have an ASSERT for zoneid, and under we call the create map
So the zone provided is "valid" but has no map?
and they didnt even provide a zoneid? only coordinates if I read this correctly
0x0000000000cfd6e0 in go_commandscript::HandleGoZoneXYCommand (handler=0x7ffec063cc38, x=40, y=40, areaIdArg=std::optional<Acore::ChatCommands::Variant<Acore::ChatCommands::Hyperlink<Acore::Hyperlinks::LinkTags::area>, unsigned int>>
So this should not be possible
0 0x0000000001fe08d3 in Acore::Assert (file=0x23cd708 "/root/env/azerothcore-wotlk/src/server/game/Maps/MapMgr.cpp", line=83, function=0x23cd744 "CreateBaseMap", debugInfo=Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member named _M_dataplus.:
, message=0x23d7a3a "entry") at /root/env/azerothcore-wotlk/src/common/Debugging/Errors.cpp:64
formattedMessage = <incomplete type>
#1 0x000000000185ac8a in MapMgr::CreateBaseMap (this=0x2e732d8 <MapMgr::instance()::instance>, id=150) at /root/env/azerothcore-wotlk/src/server/game/Maps/MapMgr.cpp:83
entry = 0x0
guard = {_M_device = @0x2e732d8}
map = 0x0
#2 0x0000000000cfd6e0 in go_commandscript::HandleGoZoneXYCommand (handler=0x7ffec063cc38, x=40, y=40, areaIdArg=std::optional<Acore::ChatCommands::Variant<Acore::ChatCommands::Hyperlink<Acore::Hyperlinks::LinkTags::area>, unsigned int>> = {...}) at /root/env/azerothcore-wotlk/src/server/scripts/Commands/cs_go.cpp:282
player = 0x7fa6d7dd88c0
areaId = 676
areaEntry = 0x7fa725371694
zoneEntry = 0x7fa725371694
map = 0x54ae98 <std::__detail::__variant::_Move_ctor_base<false, std::monostate, std::basic_string_view<char, std::char_traits<char> >, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >::~_Move_ctor_base()+24>
z = 0
That assert inside that gm command makes no sense and needs to go away though. The server shouldn't crash if someone decides to try some random value when teleporting
it is for the zone id if you provide it.
But, that assert should have hit imo and not the one in createmap. because how can a zone exist but a map doesn't?
ASSERTs are to be used in very specific situations, code that will irreparably break the core, points of no return that only shutting the entire thing down would make sense. A GM command can just return if something is wrong and print an error instead of shutting the entire server down and no harm will be done.
If I read that thing carefully, the zone falls back if it's null and uses the current area's parent zone, so it passes the zone check, even if the map creation fails a few lines below.
yea but I am still stuck on how we can have a valid zone but not a valid map
not sure if relevant but azerothcore seems to be the only core i see with this if statement where other cores do not. Trinitycore 335
Cata Preservation, Trinitycore Master and skyfire has it as if there is !map
I guess what i am saying, are we certain we need to check with it being a nullptr and not a !map?
Removing an assert is not a fix.
The only problem is the arg provided here. go zonexy 40 40 676
. Area/Zone 676
("Outland") is invalid.
In my opinin nothing is worng here in the code.
Close it as it's not a core problem. And an assert works great in situations like these.
Rev: 124ea8a1e7d0
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