Open adink1 opened 2 years ago
Confirmed an issue on enUS client as well on CC PTR Shattered Sun Marksman and Warrior's both have this display issue.
Shattered Sun Warrior (ID: 25115)
Shattered Sun Marksman (ID: 24938)
Using .npc add temp 37512 and 25142 seems to use the correct models but I'd double check. I think some race/gender combinations are missing.
Shattered Sun Warrior (ID: 25115)
- Invisible (Display ID: 11686)
- Imp (Display ID: 20570)
Shattered Sun Marksman (ID: 24938)
- Invisible (Display ID: 11686)
- Imp (Display ID: 20570)
Using .npc add temp 37512 and 25142 seems to use the correct models but I'd double check. I think some race/gender combinations are missing.
have you resolve it? thanks
I believe modelids are sniffed values and I don't know much about modelids to know what/how/if to change them. That comment I made wasn't a solution just some info I got because I had just started messing around with the DB 🙂
modelIDs are pulled from DBC files, at least to my knowledge, so those aren't getting changed.
Edit: Also goes through creature_model_info table.
Offending entries:
INSERT INTO `creature_model_info` (`DisplayID`, `BoundingRadius`, `CombatReach`, `Gender`, `DisplayID_Other_Gender`) VALUES (11686, 0.5, 1, 2, 0);
INSERT INTO `creature_model_info` (`DisplayID`, `BoundingRadius`, `CombatReach`, `Gender`, `DisplayID_Other_Gender`) VALUES (20570, 0, 0, 2, 0);
I think we should double check sniffs and try and see what's supposed to be there.
Okay, I submitted a sniff to the Google form for this. From my untrained eye, those display IDs are supposed to be there somewhere, but there's also a display ID of 22910 floating around for them as well. Would need someone a bit more familiar with sniffs to take a look to figure out what's going on with it.
I'm experiencing this on a US client as well.
The shattered sun marksmen are suppose to appear and change their armor to your guild on a boss kill. which is why it is a invisble model and a imp model used. Fun fact, in retail imp models were reported to be visible as well, although obviously unintedned.
UPDATE creature_template SET modelid1=22752, modelid2=22757, modelid3=22753, modelid4=22763 WHERE entry=24938; UPDATE creature_template SET modelid1=22910, modelid2=22914, modelid3=22918, modelid4=22922 WHERE entry=25115;
UPDATE creature_template;
Those are sniffed values. Your proposed solution is a hackfix.
you can use or not I don't care. Just one of my many fixes.
you can use or not I don't care. Just one of my many fixes.
The npc is linked to a quest that allows phase. The issue is the invisible model is visible in the core, your fix is not even close to being valid and will not be used.
Managed to find a few auras on these creatures in a packet that look to be responsible for the model change, at least most of it. Seems there are a bunch of server-side spells for the various race/gender combinations of the marksmen/warriors for each phase (tier as Blizz calls them) of the Isle. The list of which can be found in this gist. (Edit: Auras and their assignments in this list are based solely on their names in the server-side spell_dbc
table, not necessarily based on sniffed data.)
As far as I know, the Isle is supposed to be fully progressed on a fresh Wrath realm, so the tier of auras to assign to these NPCs for the purposes of AC would be the final fourth set, though I've still yet to determine if race/gender are arbitrarily determined through those auras alone or something else.
hackfix use replace sql and delete cache
REPLACE INTO `creature_template_model` (`CreatureID`, `Idx`, `CreatureDisplayID`, `DisplayScale`, `Probability`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES (24938, 1, 20570, 1, 1, 12340);
REPLACE INTO `creature_template_model` (`CreatureID`, `Idx`, `CreatureDisplayID`, `DisplayScale`, `Probability`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES (25115, 1, 20570, 1, 1, 12340);
Current Behaviour
Explore Isle of Quel'Danas Sunwell Plateau On the bridge outside, why did the NPCs change their appearance, am I the only one?
Expected Blizzlike Behaviour
Steps to reproduce the problem
go Explore Isle of Quel'Danas
Extra Notes
No response
AC rev. hash/commit
Operating system
Custom changes or Modules
No response