Closed laashaa closed 8 years ago
How do you know what needs to change the targets are? Gargoyle is not a pet, and this spell how many times you can tell everyone. Target is her enemy which buff then it picks a target within 3 meters. 5 years for the game Unholy DK on ru off. Sorry my bad English.
so why you added targetswitch depended on ghouls target it doesnt work it changes target but if dk attacks another target it changes again check it on arena tournament, if ghoul is dead than it should change target on dks target but when ghoul is alive it should attack ghouls target. i can make video how it works now
if i want to attack healer and gargoyle dps it will not work, when i change target with ghoul and i hit healer it will change target too and start attack healer too. here is the problem after ghoul target script written this
if (dkTarget && dkTarget != me->GetVictim() && me->IsValidAttackTarget(dkTarget))
before this script it needs something which defines ghoul is dead, than should attack dks target. sorry for my bad english too.
Gargoyle does not change the target, together with the ghoul that's a bug, this should not be, because the gargoyle that spell and not a pet.
Comment wowhead.
And finally, the DK cannot control it for the duration so you could save someone by pulling it to yourself with a taunt, the DK can only set the initial target so he cant switch it back if you taunt it
so why they changed on ghoul targetswitch?
I don't now, need ask for @ShinDarth
i tested again on Warmane blackrock realm (AT) and it works on ghoul target.
Do not compare a pirated server. I speak as working on off.
Just read wowhead there says it all really.
Can someone answer of the leading developers?
And @ShinDarth
I'm sorry but I'm not sure to have understood where the problem is
Gargoyle is a spell it should only focus the player that the spell has been casted on.
Leading developers, please note this is a gross mistake.
@ShinDarth or @Yehonal Please close this issue, as its not classed as a bug.
What do you say? Gargoyle should not operated pet ghoul. And you did just that.
its not no, its a spell it attacks the player or npc it has been casted on.
Gargoyle now be managed by a panel of pet ghoul, and this should not be. - Since the spell came out it doesnt say anything in the updates that it can be controlled or even on the ingame tooltip
Commed for wowhead.
And finally, the DK cannot control it for the duration so you could save someone by pulling it to yourself with a taunt, the DK can only set the initial target so he cant switch it back if you taunt it
Close it's fix.
Description: Gargoyle Target switch incorrect
Current behaviour: Incorrect gargoyle target switch. switchs target on ghoul target but if you attack different target it will attack dktarget.
Expected behaviour: gargoyle must attack ghoul target, if ghoul is dead or target than should change target on dktarget
Steps to reproduce the problem:
Branch(es): 0.x / 1.x / master (Specify the branch(es) affected by this issue)
AC hash/commit: 3d5d8a663cbbc825998aa02445958d47f9004461
Operating system: windows server 2008
Modules: NO
Other Customizations: Are you use core/db patches or other customizations? If yes please specify them here.