azerothcore / mod-anticheat

Port of PassiveAnticheat to Azerothcore
MIT License
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Feature: Table 'acore_characters.daily_players_reports' doesn't exist #108

Closed stefan3126 closed 1 year ago

stefan3126 commented 1 year ago

Describe your feature request or suggestion in detail

ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 19 in file: 'D:\azerothcore-wotlk-master\modules\mod-anticheat\sql\updates\characters\AC_2022_08_12_00.sql': Table 'acore_characters.daily_players_reports' doesn't exist Applying of file 'D:/azerothcore-wotlk-master/modules/mod-anticheat/sql/updates/characters/AC_2022_08_12_00.sql' to database 'acore_characters' failed! If you are a user, please pull the latest revision from the repository. Also make sure you have not applied any of the databases with your sql client. You cannot use auto-update system and import sql files from AzerothCore repository with your sql client. If you are a developer, please fix your sql query.

Describe a possible solution to your feature or suggestion in detail

No response

Additional context

No response

acidmanifesto commented 1 year ago

Run the characters sql on the character db and world sqls on the world db first.

Ignore the update folder. Recompile and restsrt the server and it should auto update the rest.

stefan3126 commented 1 year ago

When run the Acore_strings.sql on the world db :

\n\r\nDeletes stored statistics of daily_players_reports table.'), ('anticheat warn', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat warn [$charactername]\r\n\r\nSends individual player they are being monitored for possible cheating.'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

acidmanifesto commented 1 year ago

When run the Acore_strings.sql on the world db :

\n\r\nDeletes stored statistics of daily_players_reports table.'), ('anticheat warn', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat warn [$charactername]\r\n\r\nSends individual player they are being monitored for possible cheating.'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully

I am not entirely certain here. Are u running the whole file or partial? What sql editor are you using?

stefan3126 commented 1 year ago

1,When I run world.exe for the first time after completing compilation, I get an error ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 19 in file: 'D:\azerothcore-wotlk-master\modules\mod-anticheat\sql\updates\characters\AC_2022_08_12_00.sql': Table 'acore_characters.daily_players_reports' doesn't exist Applying of file 'D:/azerothcore-wotlk-master/modules/mod-anticheat/sql/updates/characters/AC_2022_08_12_00.sql' to database 'acore_characters' failed! If you are a user, please pull the latest revision from the repository. Also make sure you have not applied any of the databases with your sql client. You cannot use auto-update system and import sql files from AzerothCore repository with your sql client. If you are a developer, please fix your sql query. 2,Then I run mod-anticheat/SQL/world/Acore_strings.sql separately and get the error: acore_string WHERE entry IN (30087,30088,30089,30090)' at line 1 [Err] DELETE FROM acore_string WHERE entry IN (30087,30088,30089,30090); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully I use Navicat 10.0.11

acidmanifesto commented 1 year ago

Well you need the sql applied. I however am not encountering that issue unless there is some sort of strict setting with navicat that disallows deletes to be ran on none exsistent queries as that is the standard to be rerunable. Try running the inserts only on the world from the acore_strings and ensure you run the character on the character db as well.

INSERT INTO `acore_string` (`entry`, `content_default`, `locale_koKR`, `locale_frFR`, `locale_deDE`, `locale_zhCN`, `locale_zhTW`, `locale_esES`, `locale_esMX`, `locale_ruRU`) VALUES  
 (30087, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ANTICHEAT ALERT|r|cffffff00]:|r |cFFFF8C00|r |cFFFF8C00[|Hplayer:%s|h%s|h|r|cFFFF8C00] - Latency: %u ms', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r |cFFFF8C00|r |cFFFF8C00[|Hplayer:%s|h%s|h|r|cFFFF8C00] - Latency: %u ms', '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r |cFFFF8C00|r |cFFFF8C00[|Hplayer:%s|h%s|h|r|cFFFF8C00] - Latency: %u ms', NULL), 
 (30088, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ANTICHEAT ALERT|r|cffffff00]:|r POSSIBLE TELEPORT HACK DETECTED|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r POSIBLE HACK DE TELEPORTE DETECTADO|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r POSIBLE HACK DE TELEPORTE DETECTADO|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', NULL), 
 (30089, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ANTICHEAT ALERT|r|cffffff00]:|r POSSIBLE IGNORE CONTROL HACK DETECTED|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r POSIBLE CONTROL DE HACK DETECTADO IGNORARADO|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ALERTA ANTITRAMPAS|r|cffffff00]:|r POSIBLE CONTROL DE HACK DETECTADO IGNORARADO|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms', NULL), 
 (30090, '|cffffff00[|cffff0000ANTICHEAT ALERT|r|cffffff00]:|r TELEPORT HACK USED WHLE DUELING|cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms vs |cFFFF8C00 %s|r - Latency: %u ms.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', NULL);

INSERT INTO `command` (`name`, `security`, `help`) VALUES  
 ('anticheat', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat\r\n\r\nDisplay the access level of anticheat commands if you possess the necessary permissions.'), 
 ('anticheat global', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat global\r\n\r\nDisplay if anticheat is active with global statistics.'), 
 ('anticheat player', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat player [$charactername]\r\n\r\nDisplay anticheat statistics of current session of player.'), 
 ('anticheat delete', 3, 'Syntax: .anticheat delete [$charactername]\r\n\r\nDeletes anticheat statistics of current session of player.'), 
 ('anticheat jail', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat jail [$charactername]\r\n\r\nJails and restricts player and teleports GM cmd user to jail with no restrictions'), 
 ('anticheat parole', 3, 'Syntax: .anticheat parole [$charactername]\r\n\r\nDeletes anticheat statistics, removes jail restrictions, and sends to faction capital of player.'), 
 ('anticheat purge', 3, 'Syntax: .anticheat purge\r\n\r\nDeletes stored statistics of daily_players_reports table.'), 
 ('anticheat warn', 2, 'Syntax: .anticheat warn [$charactername]\r\n\r\nSends individual player they are being monitored for possible cheating.');