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Valor TBC Bugtracker
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[Quest] Finding the Survivors #33

Open Faldal opened 6 years ago

Faldal commented 6 years ago

When you free a prisoner it does not count into the quest, so you are not able to complete the quest.

npc info of one of the prisoners:

[15:33] Player selected NPC 
[15:33] GUID: 65825. 
[15:33] Faction: 1652. 
[15:33] npcFlags: 0. 
[15:33] Entry: 18428. 
[15:33] DisplayID: 17788 (Native: 17788). 
[15:33] Level: 64. 
[15:33] Health (base): 3427. (max): 3427. (current): 3427. 
[15:33] InhabitType: 3 
[15:33] Field Flags: 37632. 
[15:33] Dynamic Flags: 0. 
[15:33] Faction Template: 1652. 
[15:33] SpawnTime: Full:5m Remain:0s 
[15:33] Loot: 0 Pickpocket: 0 Skinning: 0 
[15:33] InstanceID: 0 
[15:33] Position: -975.914978 8933.049805 102.827003. 
[15:33] AIName:  ScriptName: npc_maghar_prisoner