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[Quest] A Personal Favor - Quest Objects not registering #42

Open wasabisaucer opened 6 years ago

wasabisaucer commented 6 years ago

The quest (A Personal Favor) is not functioning due to the quest items (Lathrai's Stolen Goods) are not registering as collected, which keeps the counter at zero making the quest not completeable. The item (Lathrai's Stolen Goods) should increase the quests counter by one with each acquisition of said item.

This bug can be reproduced by completing the chain that starts with (this quest), once the quest has been obtained the quest states that you must collect the stolen goods from the (Skithian Dreadhawk) and (Skithian Windripper) found within Veil Skith (Found at coordinates 31.8 , 39.2). upon killing any of the two mobs, there is a 40% chance the Stolen Goods will drop from the Dreadhawk, and a 35% chance to drop from the Windripper. Upon acquisition of the Stolen Goods observe whether or not the count for having obtained a Stolen Good goes up. Five stolen goods are required to complete this quest.

Bug observed by Player : Ryujin Time and Date observed : 1532751817 unix time (11:24~pm), 27/7/18

wasabisaucer commented 6 years ago

i have no idea why the links dont show up as links.