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[Quest - Shadowmoon] The Summoning Chamber #44

Open Zurnaboss opened 6 years ago

Zurnaboss commented 6 years ago

How it works: You can loot the quest item, but the ritual is not happening and you cannot disrupt anything unfortunaitly.

How it should work: There should be a ritual going. Thhis is not TBC video but I think it should look like this

Link to quest:

Faldal commented 6 years ago

Confirmed. When you use the tiem "Elemental Displacer" (ID 30672) you get the error message "invalid target".

This is what the ritual should look like:

This is how it looks:

Summoner Skartax (ID 21207) also just stands there, doing nothing.

Assuming everything is fixed: When you interrupt the ritual an Infernal Oversoul should spawn.

Faldal commented 6 years ago

Autocomplete until newly scripted.