Legends created by the AZGS Map Unit Legend Editor are indented three or four spaces if the legend fits on a single line, and are not indented if text is longer so that there are multiple lines. For multiple lines a hanging indent is created, but the hanging part is to the left of the single line legend entries. The hanging indent lines are fine as is and do not need to be modified. Only the single line legend items need to be formatted differently so that they line up with the first line of the multiple-line entries.
Legends created by the AZGS Map Unit Legend Editor are indented three or four spaces if the legend fits on a single line, and are not indented if text is longer so that there are multiple lines. For multiple lines a hanging indent is created, but the hanging part is to the left of the single line legend entries. The hanging indent lines are fine as is and do not need to be modified. Only the single line legend items need to be formatted differently so that they line up with the first line of the multiple-line entries.