Cyc (/ˈsaɪk/) is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base of everyday common sense knowledge, with the goal of enabling AI applications to perform human-like reasoning.
High–level ontologies: Describe general concepts such as space, time, material, object. They are independent of a specific domain or problem. Their purpose is to unify criteria between large communities of users.
Domain ontologies: Describe the vocabulary related to a generic domain (for example, information systems or medicine), by means of the specialization of the introduced concepts of high–level ontologies.
Task ontologies: Describe the vocabulary related to a generic task or activity (for example, development or sales), by means of specialization of the introduced concepts of high–level ontologies.
Application ontologies: Describe concepts belonging simultaneously to a domain and a task, by means of specialization of the concepts of domain ontologies and task ontologies. They generally correspond to roles played by the domain entities when executing an activity.
Alternative Classification:
Generic or common-sense ontologies: Capture general knowledge of the world. They provide basic notions and concepts for space, time, state, events, etc, and are valid for a variety of domains.
Representational ontologies: Do not belong to any particular domain. They offer entities without establishing what they might represent. Therefore, they define concepts which express knowledge in an objector framework- oriented approach.
Domain ontologies: Capture the knowledge valid for a particular type of domain (for example, electronics, medicine, etc.).
_Method and task ontologies: _The former offer terminology specific to problem resolution methods, while the latter provide terms for specific tasks. Both offer a reasonable point of view as to the knowledge of the domain.
Cyc (/ˈsaɪk/) is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base of everyday common sense knowledge, with the goal of enabling AI applications to perform human-like reasoning.
Using ontologies in software engineering and technology
Alternative Classification:
Use of Ontologies