azhon / AppUpdate

Android App update library. Android版本更新库,简单、轻量、可随意定制
Apache License 2.0
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appupdate:4.2.3 SSLPeerUnverifiedException #165

Closed Flyer-Flair closed 2 months ago

Flyer-Flair commented 2 months ago


download error: Hostname xxxxxx not verified:
certificate: sha1/67uxxxxxxxxxxx
subjectAltNames: [,]
Hostname not verified:
certificate: sha1/67xxxxxxxxxxxxx
subjectAltNames: [,]
How to resolve? Please!

azhon commented 2 months ago

I think you should use custom BaseHttpDownloadManager See more detail

Flyer-Flair commented 2 months ago

I think you should use custom BaseHttpDownloadManager See more detail

I find this class. The mothed of this class is following:

abstract class BaseHttpDownloadManager {
    abstract fun download(apkUrl: String, apkName: String): Flow<DownloadStatus>
    abstract fun cancel()
    abstract fun release()

But,I do not know how this class can solve the SSL problem. And, why the following code not work?

private fun trustAllHosts() {
        val manager: TrustManager = object : X509TrustManager {
            override fun getAcceptedIssuers(): Array<X509Certificate> {
                return arrayOf()

            override fun checkClientTrusted(chain: Array<out X509Certificate>?, authType: String?) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "checkClientTrusted")

            override fun checkServerTrusted(chain: Array<out X509Certificate>?, authType: String?) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "checkServerTrusted")
        try {
            val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
            sslContext.init(null, arrayOf(manager), SecureRandom())
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "trustAllHosts error: $e")
azhon commented 2 months ago

I think you should use custom BaseHttpDownloadManager See more detail

I find this class. The mothed of this class is following:

abstract class BaseHttpDownloadManager {
    abstract fun download(apkUrl: String, apkName: String): Flow<DownloadStatus>
    abstract fun cancel()
    abstract fun release()

But,I do not know how this class can solve the SSL problem. And, why the following code not work?

private fun trustAllHosts() {
        val manager: TrustManager = object : X509TrustManager {
            override fun getAcceptedIssuers(): Array<X509Certificate> {
                return arrayOf()

            override fun checkClientTrusted(chain: Array<out X509Certificate>?, authType: String?) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "checkClientTrusted")

            override fun checkServerTrusted(chain: Array<out X509Certificate>?, authType: String?) {
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "checkServerTrusted")
        try {
            val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
            sslContext.init(null, arrayOf(manager), SecureRandom())
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            LogUtil.e(TAG, "trustAllHosts error: $e")

Through BaseHttpDownloadManager you can download by yourself, such as using OkHttp and solve the problems encountered