azicchetti / jquerymobile-router

A router/controller for jquery mobile. Also adds support for client-side parameters in the hash part of the url. The routes handles regexp based routes. This plugin can be used alone or (better) with Backbone.js or Spine.js, because it's originally meant to replace their router with something integrated with jQM.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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With requireJs, router initialises after jQuery Mobile page events trigger #80

Open jcalonso opened 10 years ago

jcalonso commented 10 years ago

This is not an issue, I just want to share my solution for this problem that took me a while to figure out how to fix.

The problem can be common, there are some people reporting issues with the router being initialized 'late' after jQuery mobile events happened. I tried to create the JQM router as soon as possible but still wasn't able to do it before the page events trigger.

The solution was very simple, just disabled the autoInitializePage option like this:

$.mobile.autoInitializePage = false;

And then after initialising the router call it manually.

Here is a simple example:

The main.js

    modules: [
            name: 'main'
    paths: {
        'jquery': '../components/jquery/jquery',
        '': '../components/jquery-mobile/dist/',
        '': '../components/jquerymobile-router/js/',
    shim: {
        '' : {
            'deps' : [ 'jquerymobile.config',''],
            'exports': '$.mobile'
        '': {
            'exports': '$.mobile.Router'


], function (App) {


The app.js

], function (Router) {

    var initialize = function () {

        // Initialize Router

        // Initialize jqm page


    return {
        initialize: initialize

The router.js

], function ($) {

    var Router = {

        initialize: function () {
            var router = new $.mobile.Router({
                    '#myPage([?].*)?': {
                        handler: 'myPage',
                        events: 'bs'
                    myPage: function (type, match, ui, page, evt) {

                        // Do something
            return router;

    return Router;

The jquerymobile.config.js

define(['jquery'], function ($) {
    $(document).on("mobileinit", function () {
          $.mobile.autoInitializePage = false;
logankoester commented 10 years ago

Thanks, this helped me out today.

sheppard commented 10 years ago

I've had a similar issue, which I resolved by making my vendored depend on

It would be nice to figure out a way to get around this ordering issue - how important is the mobileinit hook?