azisyus / LoGH-Translate

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Handling of different game versions? #1

Open derplayer opened 4 years ago

derplayer commented 4 years ago


i have found out, that there are two versions of the game. v1.0 and v1.1. Some DVDs are v1.0 and some v1.1 They have differences in database.mvx strings (new strings?) and the original Translation was made for v1.0 and will crash on v1.1. There is also a patch for the v1.0 to update it to v1.1.

How do we handle this?

azisyus commented 4 years ago

I couldn't download that update, is it dead link or just me? Let's assume there is a new version called v1.1, basically i will export, translate and repack back, biggest translate file is label.bin which includes almost all UI and map names. My only concern is about character_spec.bin because it doesn't use 4096 byte blocks rather than label.bin. But first i need to examine that update.

derplayer commented 4 years ago

Yes indeed... Seems that they took the server offline. But it still worked a few months ago. I should still have the update somewhere on HDD to reupload.

azisyus commented 4 years ago

How do we know our game is not v1.1? Where does it writes and is there any obvious difference? Did you find the update in your HDD?

derplayer commented 4 years ago

No seems i deleted it... One obvious difference would be the GFWL design. 1.0 has the old gray one, and 1.1 has the blueish one. The torrent on is a 1.1 DVD The one on is a 1.0 DVD

azisyus commented 4 years ago

Looks like my game is V1.0 because it has old gray GFWL, do you still have that V1.1 torrent? There is 2 different torrent in, the active one is v1.0 and probably just copy of the and other torrent is basically dead.

derplayer commented 4 years ago

I still have the nyaa dead one but now on recheck it is also v1.0. But i still have the 1.1 installed. I uploaded the database.mvx: much more files are modified. Will look if i can find it. I think it was from nicoblog but they replaced it with v1.0 because thats the only one working with the translation and didnt crashed?

azisyus commented 4 years ago

I examined your v1.1 and v1.0 datatable.mvx files;

There are new translations in label.bin like; 総司令官 also there are differences like; が切断しました。 to がゲームを離脱しました。 which means there might be more changes in game structure. There is no change in packing algorithm so we are lucky. Every string in label.bin has it's own unique id and they tried to use v1.0 translation in v1.1 as result game crashed because they deleted those strings by using an old game file. It's not something we can't handle, all i need is v1.1 version of the game.

I have found this torrent, it has same directory structure and files with v1.1 torrent, but still it has old GFWL it basically proves torrent is actually v1.0

derplayer commented 4 years ago

Yeah, i have also always worked with an v1.1 game at reserve engineering, this was also the reason why i started with this project: because i found it very weird that the old translation always crashed my game and wanted to fix it.

We need to find the or the correct dvd image.

azisyus commented 4 years ago

I don't believe we can find that unless we send mail to microvision or something like that. You can try to recovery that file from your HDD or you can upload only different files which can be detect easily with git as result we can have our unoffical update.

derplayer commented 4 years ago

I found in an chinese logh torrent, but it is pretty much dead. I tried to recover but seems to be lost, so i made a diff of my game. the only modified file, that i dont have the original file anymore is the v1.1 GinLauncher that includes my own no-dvd patch. Also: The exe metadata version is and for the original release it is

azisyus commented 4 years ago

I updated my game with your diff and as result i'm having this error;

xlive_error (it says "Failed to initialize Live.") Game still works but this error appears every time i launch the game.

I made another no-cd patch for myself, here is mine. I changed only single instruction to make sure i didn't broke anything else but as result you cannot run game while actual CD is mounted but it should be enough for developing this project.

As you mentioned before there is 2 different version of GFWL, gray one is old one and blueish is new one, the point i'm missing is GFWL is not part of the game, launcher looks for xlive.dll and that means it should be installed separatedly from game but still necessary for running game also that explains why there is a file called XLiveRedist01.02.0241.00.msi between installation files. installation_files

I was using Windows7x64 when i started to this project and i have already installed games which can cause to installation of latest GFWL (GTA4 uses GFWL too), then i decided to go for Win10 and that means only GFWL game will be LoGH and as result i ended up with old GFWL because i don't have LoGH update or another game which can update my GFWL.

I found this thread and i installed latest GFWL from 3. url, now i have blueish GFWL in my V1.0 game.