aziz / PlainTasks

An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)
MIT License
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Simple Task Timer #247

Open petersirka opened 8 years ago

petersirka commented 8 years ago

Hi contributors, many thanks for this awesome plugin. I have a simple improvement for PlainTasks:

[ ] some task without timer
[ ] some task with the timer `43` minutes (but I don't work on it)
[ ] some task with the timer `63` minutes @working (currently I'm working on it)

@working tag increases each minute 63 in its line. I don't know whether is it possible, but this feature will be really helpful. Thanks!

stockerman7 commented 8 years ago

NAVER - 님께 보내신 메일 <[PlainTasks] Simple Task Timer (#247)> 이 다음과 같은 이유로 전송 실패했습니다.

받는 사람이 회원님의 메일을 수신차단 하였습니다.

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

No, this is too simplistic to be realistic for plain text format. User may open several files each may have timers, files could be modified outside of ST — so it is not clear when exactly pause or stop, and resume, if it is not clear then most certainly user would get wrong/mistaken results.

We already have pausable timetracking, first you @start with exact date and time, then you @toggle to pause (again date & time are mandatory), then toggle to resume, etc. Finally, when you done (or decide to cancel) you’ll see summary of time, e.g. @lasted(1:03) i.e. 63 minutes.

stockerman7 commented 8 years ago

NAVER - 님께 보내신 메일 <Re: [PlainTasks] Simple Task Timer (#247)> 이 다음과 같은 이유로 전송 실패했습니다.

받는 사람이 회원님의 메일을 수신차단 하였습니다.

petersirka commented 8 years ago

Hi @vovkkk, many thanks for quick anwser.

User may open several files each may have timers, files could be modified outside of ST

It will be problem of the user. If the line won't contain@working then the timer won't be needed.

if it is not clear then most certainly user would get wrong/mistaken results.

I think that no, because most of users work only with one editor (Sublime) and the timer increases only minutes in lines which they contain @working keyword.

Pausable timetracking is good, but not perfect. Thanks :+1:

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

It will be problem of the user. If the line won't contain @working then the timer won't be needed.

No, it is problem of code, because the question is how to control it? code would need look for appearance of the tag, start timer, then looking for disappearance of tag, stop/pause timer — all this in separate thread(s). My point was that more simplistic approach looks from user pov, more complecated it is from code pov, esp. when we talking about plain text format.

most of users work only with one editor (Sublime) and the timer increases only minutes in lines which they contain @working keyword.

Git, Dropbox…

I mean, if you want to try implement this then go ahead, by all means, I only doubt that can be done in reliable manner.

divinites commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to have a simpler timer that only count days instead of minutes? for example, if @created(26-01-22 01:11) @due( +3), then after 1 day, It should show @due( +2). The timer is not necessarily running in the background, e.g. it might scan the text only once when a todo file is opened.

petersirka commented 8 years ago

I created for it a simple solution:

divinites commented 8 years ago

It is awesome! I think it is an independent software, not a plugin, right?

petersirka commented 8 years ago

Yes --> it's the independent software (web application). It's my alternative to PlainTaks but with similar features. Thanks.

aziz commented 7 years ago

We can use phantoms that's introduced recently in sublime, to add auto updating info sections that are separate from the plain text file. for example an updating timer in front of the task. @vovkkk

vovkkk commented 7 years ago

I don’t see anything about phantoms in docs I see it mentioned in log but no any reference, how to use it?

Anyway, I’m about to move to another apartment (next 2 weeks, a lot to set up and sort out) and want to implement auto-refresh in FileBrowser (do not want to hasten, so it may take even month maybe 2).

divinites commented 7 years ago

here is a sample for phantoms.

vovkkk commented 7 years ago

Cool. I won’t promise anything, but yea we definitely could do sth with this.

FichteFoll commented 7 years ago

Can probably be closed now.

vovkkk commented 7 years ago

This is valid feature request; main reason it is still unsatisfied is

We should keep it open, hoping for reliable phantoms in future versions of ST.