aziz / SublimeANSI

ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3
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How to make the build not read-only? #35

Open evandrocoan opened 7 years ago

evandrocoan commented 7 years ago

Originally posted on:

This plugin is doing the output panel to be read-only, when I am setting the target build as ansi_color_build & Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage on my .sublime-build file.

File example:

            "working_dir": "$project_path/installers",

            "name": "Galileo Installer",
            "cmd": ["galileo.bat", "$project_path/plugins/addons/amxmodx/scripting/galileo.sma", "galileo", "$packages"],

            "target": "ansi_color_build",
            "syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage",