aziz / SublimeANSI

ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3
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red_light and yellow_light codes may be wrong in default settings #57

Open Paul-Labruyere opened 6 years ago

Paul-Labruyere commented 6 years ago


Before all, thank you for this very useful package :)

I just used it and it appears that i had to change the default settings to see the output with correct colors. Light red and light yellow sere not detected, until i add a ansi.sublime-settings file in my User repo with the following changes :

# default: 
{"scope": "red_light", "code": "\\x1b\\[1;31m", "color": "#ff6f6b"},
{"scope": "yellow_light", "code": "\\x1b\\[1;33m", "color": "#fffa72"},
# user defined :
{"scope": "red_light", "code": "\\x1b\\[31;1m", "color": "#ff6f6b"},
{"scope": "yellow_light", "code": "\\x1b\\[33;1m", "color": "#fffa72"}

Here is a piece of code that did appear red in my shell, and not in Sublime when i redirected it into a file :

{M}: '...'
{S}: '...'

Thank you by advance !