aziz / SublimeFileBrowser

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How to remove circle that seems to come up in my dired windows. Is it part of the theme? #116

Closed excetara2 closed 8 years ago

excetara2 commented 8 years ago

The circle can be seen at the bottom of the files here but I don't know why it comes up. I changed my margins today to see if I like it and the circle always appears. Do I need to modify the color_scheme? When I change it it seems to go away but then it comes back eventually after I change it back. Any ideas?

Link to image here

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

Looks like mark: EditMarkClear Mark while cursor on that line Perhaps it appear due to keybindings conflict, don’t know really.

BTW, you can drop images right here, in ‘leave comment’ field.

excetara2 commented 8 years ago

Yes it's the mark from sublemacs didn't realize it and okay will do next time.

Thanks for the help.

excetara2 commented 8 years ago

Also what does fold_buttons do exactly? Seems it just moves the buffer over to the write in the window.

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

Fold buttons are visible when true
