aziz / SublimeFileBrowser

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Possible on dired_jump to not automatically set the project folder? #117

Open excetara2 opened 8 years ago

excetara2 commented 8 years ago

I am just curious if this is possible to use dired_jump and not automatically set the project folder. If you dired_jump to /Volumes for example on mac. Then it bogs down the system a ton I realized because it's trying to load all these files. Or don't automatically add the folder if it is larger than a certain size or if it's outside of the home directory?

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

not automatically set the project folder

When you browse any folder, press p.

Or don't automatically add the folder if it is larger than a certain size

Counting size would take some time, bigger size more time, approx. 1 second per 1000 files.

excetara2 commented 8 years ago
        "keys": ["super+k","super+l"],
        "command": "dired_jump",
        "args": { "new_window": "auto"}

This is what I mean for the command so I don't hit p. It brings up a quick panel and then opens a completely new window. When the new window opens it seems to automatically add the folder jumped to as the project root. I guess you just have to hit f to tell it not to be the root anymore and hopefully it will stop trying to load the files up and behave sluggishly. I will check when I get another large usb drive again.

vovkkk commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I know. My point was that when you press p in existing browser, then it jumps without adding folder to project.