aziz / SublimeFileBrowser

Ditch sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with keyboard, like a pro!
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Adding folder and filetype icons using new phantom API #125

Open aziz opened 7 years ago

aziz commented 7 years ago

Using the inline layout of the phantom we can render a small html file which renders just an image as the file/folder icon.

vovkkk commented 7 years ago

We need to find expanded directories when refreshing/renaming, currently it is just view.find

Can we access phantoms of a view and content of a phantom? Does not seem so, there is undocumented view.query_phantom(pid), but it returns region. We could keep expanded paths in settings just like index, mmm… that would change some logic, plus I’m not ready to drop ST2 support — so all in all it is pretty complex feature, on the other side, having proper icons for different files is very tempting.

aziz commented 7 years ago

I totally agree. it's just an idea and prospect for future. I still want to use/see phantoms for smaller features on smaller plugins.