azlen / roam-themes

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Top bar jumbled for me on Zenith #32

Open kmmnyc opened 2 years ago

kmmnyc commented 2 years ago

Been trying to figure this out on my own for about a year now.

Braindrop - Daily Notes (Wednesday 12152021)

wittyUsernameste commented 2 years ago

Same. please advise.

jonathanhung commented 2 years ago

Noticed the css is using roam-topbar to target


Using the inspector it appears roam has moved some classes to a naming convention using rm-*


Doing a find - replace of all instances of "roam-topbar" -> "rm-topbar" got me somewhere. image

Still need to fix the positioning because the tooltips are broken, but at least you can target them and they're usable now.

jonathanhung commented 2 years ago

removing max-width line from #roam-main appears to allow the topbar's tooltips to appear. this is probably all I'll be able to do for now until I'm able to understand flexbox and display logic more.


rcastil commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem as kmmnyc! Can anyone (azlen?) provide a css-code that would yield this beautiful roam-theme properly? Thanks a lot! R