azlux / log2ram

ramlog like for systemd (Put log into a ram folder)
MIT License
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Status appears to start & stop log2ram. Option to just show status? #201

Open alan-rpi opened 1 year ago

alan-rpi commented 1 year ago

The command systemctl status log2ram appears to show that log2ram is stopped, the logs flushed to the SD card and then it's restarted:

`log2ram.service - Log2Ram

Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/log2ram.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Active: active (exited) since Sat 2023-01-14 18:35:42 GMT; 2 days ago

...................... list of log2ram last log entries

Reloaded Log2Ram. `

If this is correct could there be a option to just show the status without any stopping and starting and without a list of log2ram last log entries? e.g.

Active: active since Sat 2023-01-14 18:35:42 GMT; 2 days ago

Also, if I stop log2ram with systemctl stop log2ram and then run the status command systemctl status log2ram is this going to restart it? I hope not as my RaspPi crashed the other day when I inserted a USB stick into an attached USB hub and I lost my logs for that day. I need to stop log2ram and confirm it's stopped before putting in a USB stick.

Many thanks for creating this very useful utility. Alan