azogue / psychrochart

A Python 3 library to make psychrometric charts and overlay information on them.
MIT License
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YES! IP! Small issue though #12

Open eloneill opened 4 years ago

eloneill commented 4 years ago

I'm super pumped to see that this has been ported over with IP usage. As a mechanical engineer without much debugging experience, I'm running this code and getting the following issue. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for the work getting this to work with IP units.

%matplotlib inline

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


from psychrochart import PsychroChart, load_config


chart_ashrae_style = PsychroChart(use_unit_system_si=False)

ax = chart_ashrae_style.plot()


WARNING:root:[IP units mode] ENABLED ERROR:root:ENTHALPHY CONVERGENCE ERROR: No convergence error after 100 iterations! Last value: 101.8643583901623, ∆: 0.125. Objective: 75, iter_value: 75.18484966677528

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 5 from psychrochart import PsychroChart, load_config 6 ----> 7 chart_ashrae_style = PsychroChart(use_unit_system_si=False) 8 ax = chart_ashrae_style.plot() 9 ax.get_figure() ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in __init__(self, styles, zones_file, use_unit_system_si) 86 self._handlers_annotations: List = [] 87 ---> 88 self._make_chart_data(styles, zones_file) 89 90 def __repr__(self) -> str: ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in _make_chart_data(self, styles, zones_file) 213 label_loc=self.chart_params.get("constant_v_labels_loc", 1.0), 214 family_label=self.chart_params["constant_v_label"], --> 215 saturation_curve=self.saturation.curves[0], 216 ) 217 ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in make_constant_specific_volume_lines(w_humidity_ratio_min, pressure, vol_values, v_label_values, style, label_loc, family_label, saturation_curve) 310 vol_values, 311 lambda *x: t_sat_interpolator(x[0]), --> 312 lambda x: GetMoistAirVolume( 313 x, GetHumRatioFromVapPres(GetSatVapPres(x), pressure), pressure, 314 ), ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in solve_curves_with_iteration(family_name, objective_values, func_init, func_eval) 178 func_eval=func_eval, 179 initial_increment=initial_increment, --> 180 precision=precision, 181 ) 182 except AssertionError as exc: # pragma: no cover ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in _iter_solver(initial_value, objective_value, func_eval, initial_increment, num_iters_max, precision) 121 num_iter = 0 122 value_calc = initial_value.copy() --> 123 error = objective_value - func_eval(initial_value) 124 while abs(error) > precision and num_iter < num_iters_max: 125 iteration_value = func_eval(value_calc) ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\psychrochart\ in (x) 311 lambda *x: t_sat_interpolator(x[0]), 312 lambda x: GetMoistAirVolume( --> 313 x, GetHumRatioFromVapPres(GetSatVapPres(x), pressure), pressure, 314 ), 315 ) ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages\ in GetSatVapPres(TDryBulb) 1022 if isIP(): 1023 if (TDryBulb < -148 or TDryBulb > 392): -> 1024 raise ValueError("Dry bulb temperature must be in range [-148, 392]°F") 1025 1026 T = GetTRankineFromTFahrenheit(TDryBulb) ValueError: Dry bulb temperature must be in range [-148, 392]°F
azogue commented 4 years ago

Hi @eloneill,

IP usage is too new, sorry :) I need to take some time to polish the plot logic so those errors get better treatment.

Anyway, I think your current problem is because you changed the unit system but the chart is working with plot limits adequate only for SI. Try to change this line:

chart_ashrae_style = PsychroChart(use_unit_system_si=False)


chart_ashrae_style = PsychroChart(styles="ashrae_ip", use_unit_system_si=False)

By loading another predefined style (the only one tested with IP right now, btw), the plot limits change, and it should work ok.