azogue / psychrochart

A Python 3 library to make psychrometric charts and overlay information on them.
MIT License
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How to create a zone with vapour content limit? #28

Closed Mifehr closed 1 year ago

Mifehr commented 1 year ago


Thanks a lot for this package. It's helpful and good-looking, especially with the predefined styles.

My question: How can I create a zone that covers the entire graph up to a certain water vapour content (g/kg)?

azogue commented 1 year ago

Hi @Mifehr 👋,

Sorry for the delay in replying 🙏, I had totally forgotten about this library, for years (and had GH notifications muted 🙈)

If you are still interested, I'm now trying to refresh the library and solve almost all issues (Check the latest releases 😜)

How can I create a zone that covers the entire graph up to a certain water vapour content (g/kg)?

You mean zones like these, right?


azogue commented 1 year ago

With #36, with version >= 0.9.1, making a zone that covers the entire graph up to a certain water vapour content (g/kg) is done like this:

from psychrochart import PsychroChart, ChartZone, ZoneStyle

chart = PsychroChart.create("minimal")
chart.config.figure.figsize = 8, 6
        # using the current plot limits to cover the entire area up to w=20 g/kg
        points_x=[chart.config.dbt_min, chart.config.dbt_max],
        points_y=[chart.config.w_min, 20],
        style=ZoneStyle(edgecolor="k", facecolor="#e4a039", linewidth=0),
        label="Up to 20 $g_w / kg_{da}$",

Producing this image: chart-saturation-zones

I hope you find it helpful 🍻