[x] There are two environment yaml files in the root of the repo. Let's just have one.
[x] Move non *.ipynb files out of /src/notebooks/ and just to src/
[x] remove all_births.pkl. Its not good to push files that are over 5MB to the remote server. Also, its better to store the data as a compressed json file rather than a pickle file.
[x] In the *.py files, use a main function instead of writing out all the code sequentially. Here's a good overview of main functions in python from realpython.com
Topic Modeling
[x] In topic modeling, when saving the figures to a file, it might be good to also include the topic's first few words in the file name. This will spare us from having to open all the figures to know which topic it is about
Instead of copying the code from the different files, like sentiment, labeling, etc into Maria_paper.py, you can access the functions from those *.py files by importing them directly. We can go over this tomorrow.
it would be similar to this example where we imported the classes in this example of Object Oriented Programing in python
. Its not good to push files that are over 5MB to the remote server. Also, its better to store the data as a compressed json file rather than a pickle file.Topic Modeling
Code Duplication
Instead of copying the code from the different files, like sentiment, labeling, etc into Maria_paper.py, you can access the functions from those *.py files by importing them directly. We can go over this tomorrow.