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Monitor Dashboard and application insights ? #183

Open Crazyabout opened 5 years ago

Crazyabout commented 5 years ago

I am very new to Azure resources. When i deploy a custom organization i see that next to the storage account a Dashboard and a Insights resource are getting deployed. My understanding is that I can see logs like failed controls are being monitored. But when I check these resources both are empty when are there being logs written to these resources ? Can i check if these logs are even being saved in Azure ?

*Probably you guys already noted this somewhere but I somehow can't see it. sorry for the dumb question in that case.

Khushboo-msft commented 5 years ago

You may need to update the org policy to include the "-StorageAccountName" and "-AppInsightName".

Update-AzSKOrganizationPolicy -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId> `
   -OrgName "Contoso-IT" `           
   -ResourceGroupName "Contoso-IT-RG" `
   -StorageAccountName "contosoitsa" `
   -AppInsightName "ContosoITAppInsight" `
   -PolicyFolderPath "D:\ContosoPolicies"

Check Option 1 -> Step 3 here.

Crazyabout commented 5 years ago

I keep getting this warning when i deploy the update command Warning: The current subscription has been configured with DevOps kit policy for the 'security' Org, However the DevOps kit command is running with a different ('Security_scan_Azure_Environment') Org policy.

Even when i executed the IWR command and restarted my Powershell session. like this

Could it be that this is the problem ?

Khushboo-msft commented 5 years ago

That should not be a problem.

If you are running the scans locally, please check whether the AzSK toolkit is configured to send data to the given Applications Insights account from your machine here.

Crazyabout commented 5 years ago

I run the scan in my CI / CD pipeline. Do i need to provide the instumental key in my variable ?

Khushboo-msft commented 5 years ago

Could you please check if the AzSKServerURL in the pipeline has the url of your new Custom org policy.

  1. Run the command Get-AzSKInfo -InfoType HostInfo
  2. The value of OnlinePolicyStoreURL and EnableAADAuthForOnlinePolicyStore should be used for the variable AzSKServerURL and EnableServerAuth in the ARMTemplateChecker task.

For detailed steps you can refer this.

Crazyabout commented 5 years ago

yeah it has the right url The custom organization is rightly setup But the log analytics nor the dashboard have any data. So I guess there is some setting where i didn't setup the log anlytics right

Plork commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue. The log analytics is being filled. But the App insights stays empty. (and so does the dashboard).

the Get-AzSKInfo -InfoType HostInfo does show the correct info.

I did use custom names for the resources group / workspace / automation account etc.

I am gonna try and redo the install with the default resource group names etc and set aside my OCD for a minute.