aztfmod / rover

The rover is a docker container in charge of the deployment of the Terraform platform engineering for Azure
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Moving launchpad to the cloud fails: ERROR: argument --ids: expected at least one argument #237

Closed segraef closed 2 years ago

segraef commented 2 years ago

After deploying launchpad level0 via rover ignite from contoso-2201 it fails with

Apply complete! Resources: 146 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


diagnostics = <sensitive>
global_settings = <sensitive>
launchpad_identities = <sensitive>
objects = <sensitive>
tfstates = <sensitive>
Terraform apply return code: 0
@calling get_storage_id
@calling upload_tfstate
Moving launchpad to the cloud
ERROR: argument --ids: expected at least one argument

Examples from AI knowledge base:
az storage account show --ids /subscriptions/{SubID}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{StorageAccount}
Show properties for a storage account by resource ID.

az storage account show --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyStorageAccount
Show properties for a storage account using an account name and resource group.
Read more about the command in reference docs
Error on or near line 142; exiting with status 1
Error on or near line 142; exiting with status 1

@calling clean_up_variables
cleanup variables
clean_up backend_files

My details:


When I execute the rover command again TF wants me to import everything.

arnaudlh commented 2 years ago

This has been taken offline and solved :)

nusrath432 commented 2 years ago

@arnaudlh What is the solution, please? Do we need to use a different version of Rover?

remiwuillemin commented 2 years ago

@nusrath432 Upgrading rover to last version helped me. In docker-compose file: image: aztfmod/rover:1.1.3-2201.2106

h2floh commented 8 months ago

Just if someone finds this issue and has the same problem.

For me it was that I gave the wrong input ... twice:

Because of that the storage count search via tags failed/return nothing which triggers the error message in the next step.