aztfmod / rover

The rover is a docker container in charge of the deployment of the Terraform platform engineering for Azure
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"rover login" fails with ID Token not yet valid. #264

Closed prashantnayak closed 2 years ago

prashantnayak commented 2 years ago

I am using VSCODE (Dev container). However, my host windows machine time is different than the Rover container image date. Hence, I am getting following error "The command failed with an unexpected error. Here is the traceback: ERROR: 0. The ID token is not yet valid. Make sure your computer's time and time zone are both correct. Current epoch = 1654708593"

I tried to use "sudo date --set" command but it says "Operation not permitted"

My host machine (windows) doesn't allow to change date/time since its managed by Microsoft IT.

Any ideas how to change Date inside the container, so I can login successfully to my Azure subscription?

prashantnayak commented 2 years ago

Never mind. After machine reboot I think DOCKER for DESKTOP reset the date and time. It worked. Close this issue. However, leave it here so other can learn. Thanks.

LaurentLesle commented 2 years ago

Thanks @prashantnayak for sharing your experience.