aztfmod / rover

The rover is a docker container in charge of the deployment of the Terraform platform engineering for Azure
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Add multisubscription in rover bootstrap for github workflows #270

Closed LaurentLesle closed 2 years ago

LaurentLesle commented 2 years ago

rover -bootstrap \
  -aad-app-name ${org_name}-platform-landing-zones \
  -gitops-service github \
  -gitops-number-runners 4 \
  -bootstrap-script '/tf/caf/landingzones/templates/platform/ ' \
  -playbook '/tf/caf/landingzones/templates/platform/caf_platform_prod_nonprod.yaml' \
  -subscription-deployment-mode multi_subscriptions \
  -sub-management www-guid \
  -sub-connectivity xxx-guid \
  -sub-identity yyy-guid \
  -sub-security zzz-guid