aztfmod / rovergo

The next version of Rover, the command line tool for Azure CAF Landingzones. Developed in Go
MIT License
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Chore: Get all azure CLI commands #19

Closed benc-uk closed 3 years ago

benc-uk commented 3 years ago

Get a list of all Azure CLI commands the current rover tool executes.

This will then feed into a list of tasks here - to implement corresponding calls using the Azure APIs and Go SDK, and shape a package containing those calls in a way they can be used but other parts of rovergo, e.g. wrappers and helpers

I see there being a mix of

sebastus commented 3 years ago

az role assignment list

az keyvault list az keyvault secret show

az ad signed-in-user show az ad sp show

az storage container create az storage container delete

az cloud show

az rest get

az resource list

az identity show