azu / gitbook-plugin-include-codeblock

GitBook plugin for including file
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Ace template parser and plugin ordering #40

Closed gdolle closed 7 years ago

gdolle commented 7 years ago

@azu Arf, it seems we were a bit too fast with last release. I got an error once using it in the book.

Template render error: (/home/user/devel/booktest/example/test.adoc) [Line 67, Column 1]
  unknown block tag: ace

This is weird since the tests seems to work. I think there's a problem with {%ace%} tag while parsing the template file.

I'll investigate that.

gdolle commented 7 years ago

Ok found it, we have to be careful that gitbook-plugin-include-codeblock must be loaded before "gitbook-plugin-ace" otherwise it doesn't parse the {%ace%} tags 👍 I'll PR a fix + book examples for that case.