azukiapp / azk

azk is a lightweight open source development environment orchestration tool. Instantly & safely run any environment on your local machine.
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`azk logs -f` not following logs #685

Open rictorres opened 7 years ago

rictorres commented 7 years ago

1. What are you trying do accomplish?

I'm trying to follow logs from all apps and/or a single app.

2. Steps to reproduce the described behavior

azk logs -f or azk logs SYSTEM_NAME -f

3. Output

No message, also no logs :) It was working maybe 30min ago, I've restarted the agent but still got the same behavior.

Please see this short screencast for more info:

4. Further info

a. Which OS / distro? 10.11 b. Which VirtualBox version? (If running Mac OS X) 5.0.16 r105871 c. Can you provide us your Azkfile.js?

 * Documentation:
// Adds the systems that shape your system
    legacy: {
        // Dependent systems
        depends: ['next', 'mysql', 'redis'],
        // More images:
        image: {'docker': 'azukiapp/php-fpm:5.6'},
        workdir: '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/legacy',
        shell: '/bin/bash',
        wait: 200,
        mounts: {
            '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/legacy': sync('./legacy', { except: './legacy/next' })
        scalable: {'default': 1},
        http: {
            domains: [ '#{}.#{azk.default_domain}' ]
        ports: {
            // exports global variables
            http: '80/tcp'
        envs: {

        export_envs: {


    'legacy-frontend': {
        // Dependent systems
        depends: ['legacy'],
        image: {'docker': 'node:4'},
        // Steps to execute before running instances
        provision: [
            'npm install'
        workdir: '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/legacy/next',
        shell: '/bin/bash',
        command: ['npm', 'start'],
        wait: 200,
        mounts: {
            '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/legacy/next': sync('./legacy/next'),
            '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/legacy/next/node_modules': persistent('./legacy/next/node_modules')
        scalable: {'default': 1},
        http: {
            domains: [ '#{}.#{azk.default_domain}' ]
        ports: {
            // exports global variables
            http: '4400/tcp'
        envs: {
            // Make sure that the PORT value is the same as the one
            // in ports/http above, and that it's also the same
            // if you're setting it in a .env file
            NODE_ENV: 'development',
            PORT: '4400',


    next: {
        depends: ['mysql', 'redis'],
        image: {'docker': 'node:4'},
        // Steps to execute before running instances
        provision: [
            'npm install'
        workdir: '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/next',
        shell: '/bin/bash',
        command: ['npm', 'run', 'dev'],
        wait: 200,
        mounts: {
            '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/next': sync('./next'),
            '/azk/#{manifest.dir}/next/node_modules': persistent('./next/node_modules')
        scalable: {'default': 1},
        http: {
            domains: [ '#{}.#{azk.default_domain}' ]
        ports: {
            // exports global variables
            http: '3000/tcp'
        envs: {
            // Make sure that the PORT value is the same as the one
            // in ports/http above, and that it's also the same
            // if you're setting it in a .env file
            NODE_ENV: 'development',
            PORT: '3000',
            NEW_RELIC_DISABLED: true,


    mysql: {
        image: {'docker': 'mysql:5.6'},
        shell: '/bin/bash',
        wait: 100,
        mounts: {
            '/var/lib/mysql': persistent('#{manifest.dir}/#{}_data'),
            // mysql dump file should go in the following folder
            '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d': sync('./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d')
            // to clean mysql data, run:
            // $ azk shell mysql -c 'rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*'
        ports: {
            // exports global variables: '#{}'
            data: '43306:3306/tcp'
        envs: {
            // set instances variables
            MYSQL_USER              : 'mycujoo',
            MYSQL_PASSWORD          : 'mycujoo',
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD     : 'root',
            MYSQL_DATABASE          : 'mycujoo'
        export_envs: {


    redis: {
        image: {'docker': 'redis'},
        // uncomment lines below if you want
        // redis to persist data to disk
        // command: ["redis-server", "--appendonly", "yes"],
        // mounts: {
        //   "/data": persistent("data"),
        // },
        ports: {
            data: '6379/tcp'
        export_envs: {
            REDIS_HOST: 'redis://#{}:#{}', // legacy uses this var :(
            REDIS_URL: 'redis://#{}:#{}' // next uses this var :'(

rictorres commented 7 years ago

I forgot to mention that I'm running azk 0.17.0 but my colleagues are on azk 0.18.0 and sometimes they experience the exact same problem.