azure-ad-b2c / samples

Azure AD B2C custom policy solutions and samples.
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Problem with revoking sso tokens #632

Open bradleyFS opened 3 weeks ago

bradleyFS commented 3 weeks ago

This currently does not work. refreshTokensValidFromDateTime is a string and in the base file and used in the extensions file as a partnerClaimType. This doesn't match with the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime_for_revoke_sso_sessions claim which is a dateTime.

An example of the error it causes: "B2C_1A_signup_signin has OutputClaims with PartnerClaimType refreshTokensValidFromDateTime with different data types. A PartnerClaimType may only be associated with OutputClaims of same data type"

Link to line causing problem:

bradleyFS commented 3 weeks ago

@JasSuri can we update the readme for this sample so that others don't go down this path if the sample doesn't work