azure-contrib / AzureDirectory

A Lucene Directory Provider for Azure Blob Storage
Microsoft Public License
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DeleteFile usage is incorrect #23

Closed Shazwazza closed 7 years ago

Shazwazza commented 7 years ago


I have a port of this in my project called Examine: I've discovered that the logic in the DeleteFile method is incorrect because of how Lucene deals with files (it's pretty odd).

So DeleteFile is called by Lucene's IndexFileDeleter which is expecting an IOException to be thrown when the file cannot be deleted. This will actually happen in AzureDirectory when it does _cacheDirectory.DeleteFile(name); because that file will still be in use by a potential reader/searcher. Lucene will then retry this file deletion when it needs to refresh readers/searchers BUT since the file will be successfully removed from Blob storage, it will never retry removing it from local storage because the FileExists method will tell Lucene the file no longer exists because it doesn't exist in Blob storage.

This means that local storage will get fuller and fuller because old index files are actually not deleted. This is what the method should look like

public override void DeleteFile(System.String name)
    //We're going to try to remove this from the cache directory first,
    // because the IndexFileDeleter will call this file to remove files 
    // but since some files will be in use still, it will retry when a reader/searcher
    // is refreshed until the file is no longer locked. So we need to try to remove 
    // from local storage first and if it fails, let it keep throwing the IOExpception
    // since that is what Lucene is expecting in order for it to retry.
    //If we remove the main storage file first, then this will never retry to clean out
    // local storage because the FileExist method will always return false.
        if (_cacheDirectory.FileExists(name + ".blob"))
            _cacheDirectory.DeleteFile(name + ".blob");

        if (_cacheDirectory.FileExists(name))
    catch (IOException ex)
        //This will occur because this file is locked, when this is the case, we don't really want to delete it from the master either because
        // if we do that then this file will never get removed from the cache folder either! This is based on the Deletion Policy which the
        // IndexFileDeleter uses. We could implement our own one of those to deal with this scenario too but it seems the easiest way it to just 
        // let this throw so Lucene will retry when it can and when that is successful we'll also clear it from the master

    //if we've made it this far then the cache directly file has been successfully removed so now we'll do the master

    var blob = _blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(_rootFolder + name);
    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("DELETE {0}/{1}", _blobContainer.Uri.ToString(), name));
richorama commented 7 years ago

I have changed the method according to your feedback. Thanks!