azure-contrib / AzureDirectory

A Lucene Directory Provider for Azure Blob Storage
Microsoft Public License
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CreateIfNotExists fails in AzureDirectory #37

Open BlackBatSoftware opened 4 years ago

BlackBatSoftware commented 4 years ago

There are versions of Windows.Azure.Storage that do not implement the "CreateIfNotExists" function syncronously, they only use the "CreateIfNotExistsAsync" method.

AzureDirectory.cs should have:

public void CreateContainer()
  _blobContainer = _blobClient.GetContainerReference(_containerName);
BlackBatSoftware commented 4 years ago

%^$%^#$% not letting me fix it! Grrrrr.

BlackBatSoftware commented 4 years ago

Github is really ticking me off today. The same change is needed for the DeleteIfExistsAsync().Wait() in DeleteFile