azureautomation / automation-packs

Collections of Automation resources that can include runbooks, configurations, modules, credentials, schedules, variables, connections, certificates, jobs, compilation jobs, and nodes.
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Interval property is not an integer anymore but object #23

Open VladimirtheGreatest opened 3 years ago

VladimirtheGreatest commented 3 years ago

Hey there, according to microsoft documentation arm template "type": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/schedules", has got property interval which is an object "interval": {}, . I would like to create a schedule for my automation job but I want a recurring job, however I have got no idea what should be passed to that object, every single tutorial or example in azureautomation repo has got this property as an integer. Any idea what kind of key value pair or any specific object should be passed to this property so I can make my schedule recurring? Thanks I tried to pass different values such as "interval": {interval :1}, but there are no many different possible scenarios. Also if you know any other way how I could make my schedule recurring, unfortunately if I pass different value than "OneTime" to the property frequency I get an error saying that for recurring jobs interval should be more than 1, but without example I find it really frustrating to find out what should be there. Thanks