azureautomation / azure-automation-ise-addon

The Azure Automation PowerShell ISE Add-On makes it easy to author and test your runbooks in your local PowerShell ISE
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Parameters for my Azure Workbook was incorrect #127

Closed FranckSix closed 7 years ago

FranckSix commented 7 years ago

$params = @{SqlServerName="myServer";SqlDatabaseName="myDb";SqlUserName="myDbUser"}

Register-AzureRmAutomationScheduledRunbook ` 
-Name "AutoExport" ` 
-ResourceGroupName "myAzureAutomation" ` 
-AutomationAccountName "myAutomation" ` 
-ScheduleName "mySchedule" ` 
-Parameters $params ` 
-ErrorAction Stop;

At end the parameters in portal contain quotes see file to screenshot. This make my workbook to fail.


eamonoreilly commented 7 years ago

I would open up a question on the automation forums on to get some help on this as it is not specific to the add-on. Thanks, Eamon