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Set-TableRowColor Issue #13

Closed stoni89 closed 6 years ago

stoni89 commented 6 years ago


i have a problem with the cmdlet "Set-TableRowColor". My code is: $ramStatusGreen = '$freeRAMNumber -eq 0' $ramStatusYellow = '$freeRAMNumber -eq 1' $ramStatusRed = '$freeRAMNumber -eq 2' $ramStatusColor = Set-TableRowColor ($ramStatusComplete) -Red $ramStatusRed -Green $ramStatusGreen -Yellow $ramStatusYellow

If i use this code in Powershell (with selection and F8) i get the right output: RowColor=Green

If i start the Powershell Script with righclick and "Start with Powershell" then i get the wrong output: RowColor=non

How can i do this? Sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand my problem.

Thanks and best regards Jens