azurenoops / terraform-azurerm-overlays-virtual-machine

Terraform module overlay to deploy single or multiple SCCA compliant Virtual Machines of Linux or Windows with optional features to be used with Azure NoOps.
MIT License
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Added custom marketplace image and second nic #29

Closed sstjean closed 9 months ago

sstjean commented 9 months ago

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Thanks for your cooperation!

jrspinella commented 9 months ago

Also as a way to reduce debt, I think we need to rethink the way we create multiple nics.

The way I am thinking is:

Nics are created by one block

nic_configuration = { primary = { subnet_id = primary = false private_ip_address = "" }, secondary= { subnet_id = primary = false private_ip_address = "" } }

Code block

resource "azurerm_network_interface" "nic" {
  for_each                         = toset(var.instances_count  > 0 ? var.nic_configuration : 0)
  name                          = var.instances_count == 1 ? lower("${local.vm_nic_name}") : lower("nic-${format("%s%s", lower(replace(local.vm_nic_name, "/[[:^alnum:]]/", "")), count.index + 1)}")
  location                      = local.location
  resource_group_name           = local.resource_group_name
  dns_servers                   = var.dns_servers
  enable_ip_forwarding          = var.enable_ip_forwarding
  enable_accelerated_networking = var.enable_accelerated_networking
  internal_dns_name_label       = var.internal_dns_name_label
  tags                          = merge({ "ResourceName" = var.instances_count == 1 ? lower("${local.vm_nic_name}") : lower("nic-${format("%s%s", lower(replace(local.vm_nic_name, "/[[:^alnum:]]/", "")), count.index + 1)}") }, var.add_tags, var.nic_add_tags, )

  ip_configuration {
    name                          = lower("ipconfig-${format("%s%s", lower(replace(local.ip_configuration_name, "/[[:^alnum:]]/", "")), count.index + 1)}")
    primary                       = each.value.primary                       
    subnet_id                     = each.value.subnet_id
    private_ip_address_allocation = each.value.private_ip_address_allocation_type
    private_ip_address            = var.private_ip_address_allocation_type == "Static" ? element(concat(each.value.private_ip_address, [""]), count.index) : null
    public_ip_address_id          = var.enable_public_ip_address == true ? element(concat(azurerm_public_ip.pip.*.id, [""]), count.index) : null

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [