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Swedish observance holidays #172

Closed c960657 closed 5 years ago

c960657 commented 5 years ago

In addition to official holidays, Sweden has several de facto holidays and de facto half holidays (the term de facto is used in the English Wikipedia entry – I don't think a similar term is used in Swedish).

I think these de facto holidays should be marked as TYPE_OBSERVANCE (same argument as for Good Friday in the Netherlands, as mentioned in

I am not Swedish, so I don't have a deep understanding of this. But I previously marked these days as “real” public holidays on my website and received several comments from Swedes these days are not public holidays (helgdager).

This PR changes the type for Christmas Eve from TYPE_OFFICIAL to TYPE_OBSERVANCE, and adds the two other de facto holidays and the three de facto half holidays (all TYPE_OBSERVANCE).

stelgenhof commented 5 years ago

I remember now that I was struggling how to categorize these. Perhaps OBSERVANCE is a better category indeed.