azwhikaru / Action-TWRP-Builder

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Parameter value define #53

Closed ddeevvaa closed 1 year ago

ddeevvaa commented 1 year ago

Big azwhikaru,

need help for use this.

For a new device,how to define the value for this table. the Example can not be understood why it is it. do we have a tg group.look forard reply.

Name Description Example MANIFEST_URL Source address MANIFEST_BRANCH Source branch twrp-12.1 DEVICE_TREE_URL Device address DEVICE_TREE_BRANCH Device branch android-12.1 DEVICE_PATH Device location device/asus/I003D COMMON_TREE_URL Common tree address COMMON_PATH Common tree location device/asus/sm8250-common DEVICE_NAME Model name I003D MAKEFILE_NAME Makefile name twrp_I003D BUILD_TARGET Build Target Partition (boot/recovery/vendorboot) recovery

lopestom commented 1 year ago

Read Run workflow table - Click to open and you understand more.


From azwhikaru/Action-TWRP-Builder Readme From azwhikaru/Action-TWRP-Builder Readme