azwhikaru / Action-TWRP-Builder

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print "*** Error opening \"%s.sha1\"; can't verify %s" % (fn, key) #75

Closed yunzimo closed 10 months ago

yunzimo commented 10 months ago


[ 96% 6722/6945] Generated: (/home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/android-info.txt)
FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(build/tools/ ) && (echo \"board=\" > /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/android-info.txt )"
  File "build/tools/", line 56
    print "*** Error opening \"%s.sha1\"; can't verify %s" % (fn, key)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[ 96% 6722/6945] target  C++: libguitwrp <= bootable/recovery/gui/patternpassword.cpp
[ 96% 6722/6945] target  C++: libguitwrp <= bootable/recovery/gui/textbox.cpp
[ 96% 6722/6945] target  C++: libguitwrp <= bootable/recovery/gui/twmsg.cpp
[ 96% 6722/6945] target  C++: libguitwrp <= bootable/recovery/gui/hardwarekeyboard.cpp
[ 96% 6722/6945] target  C++: libguitwrp <= bootable/recovery/gui/terminal.cpp
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [build/core/ ninja_wrapper] Error 1

我尝试使用python的不同版本来编译,都已失败告终。最后一次使用的是python3.8. 我不明白这是什么样的错误,请帮帮我。附件是完整的log

azwhikaru commented 10 months ago

maybe it has been solved, try latest commit

yunzimo commented 10 months ago

maybe it has been solved, try latest commit

When i tried latest commit, I encountered a new problem。

FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(/home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/host/linux-x86/bin/mkbootimg  --kernel /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/kernel  --ramdisk /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/ramdisk-recovery.img --cmdline \"bootopt=64S3,32N2,64N2 buildvariant=eng\" --base 0x40078000 --pagesize 2048 --os_version 16.1.0 --os_patch_level 2099-12-31 --ramdisk_offset 0x03f88000 --tags_offset 0x0df88000 --output  /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/recovery.img --id > /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/ ) && (size=\$(for i in  /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/recovery.img; do stat --format \"%s\" \"\$i\" | tr -d '\\n'; echo +; done; echo 0); total=\$(( \$( echo \"\$size\" ) )); printname=\$(echo -n \" /home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/recovery.img\" | tr \" \" +); img_blocksize=135168; twoblocks=\$((img_blocksize * 2)); onepct=\$(((((11725824 / 100) - 1) / img_blocksize + 1) * img_blocksize)); reserve=\$((twoblocks > onepct ? twoblocks : onepct)); maxsize=\$((11725824 - reserve)); echo \"\$printname maxsize=\$maxsize blocksize=\$img_blocksize total=\$total reserve=\$reserve\"; if [ \"\$total\" -gt \"\$maxsize\" ]; then echo \"error: \$printname too large (\$total > [11725824 - \$reserve])\"; false; elif [ \"\$total\" -gt \$((maxsize - 32768)) ]; then echo \"WARNING: \$printname approaching size limit (\$total now; limit \$maxsize)\"; fi )"
+/home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/recovery.img maxsize=11455488 blocksize=135168 total=17129472 reserve=270336
error: +/home/runner/work/Action-TWRP-builder/Action-TWRP-builder/workspace/out/target/product/len6737m_65_sh_n/recovery.img too large (17129472 > [11725824 - 270336])
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [build/core/ ninja_wrapper] Error 1
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.

The last step o(╥﹏╥)o

azwhikaru commented 10 months ago
recovery.img too large (17129472 > [11725824 - 270336])

increase the size of the partition

yunzimo commented 10 months ago
recovery.img too large (17129472 > [11725824 - 270336])

increase the size of the partition

I tried tweaking the size of the recovery in the file in my device tree, and finally managed to compile successfully. Thanks a lot for your help!

but it seems like I'am facing a new issue where the compiled recovery image is larger than the original one, causing flashing failures. Is there a way to reduce the size of the compiled image? It seems like a simpler solution compared to expanding the recovery partition.

azwhikaru commented 10 months ago
  1. remove some options, such as language support
  2. android8.1 and below need python2 but latest software source removed python2, legacy is ubuntu 20.04